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今年的飲食潮流好精彩,並傾向「吃得健康」的趨勢。BBC Good Food早前便刊登了她們預測的2018年飲食熱潮,當中包括醃漬食物、無酒精飲品、特色茶品等,結論是人們將會更願意嘗試新派素食及善用科技。 至於連鎖超市Whole Foods Market早前也列出10大飲食潮流預測,包括以花香味入饌、各式

Plant-based food rarely makes it on the menu unless it’s in chip form. But for one NFL team, eating plant-based isn’t just for game day, but for every day of the week! Meet the Tennessee Titan

Sales of plant-based milk, the largest category of plant-based foods, totalled $2bn, a 14 per cent market share. While almond milk was the category leader, oat milk was the fastest-growing plant

Survive 25 dayssolely on plant-basedfood 只吃植物的情况下活25天 13、Pacifist 和平主义者 Survive 10 dayson King of the Jungle difficulty or higher without killing animals, humans,destroying bee nests and interacting withtraps 在丛林之王或更高难度中活10天

消费者对草食动物的生产 因素,尤其是日粮的关注 度逐渐增加 Increased consumer demand herbivoreproduction factors, particularly animal diet 对草原食物生产系统的印象越来越好 increasingly positive image attached grassland-basedfood production 肉产品生产
