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3236 2766 14295 MQG(Y)1530 1500 3000 5 ~9 JR125-8 95 7037 3246 2766 MQG(Y)2122 2100 2200 16 5~29 JR128-8 155 7750 4839 3794 41540 MQG(Y)2130 2100 3000 9 20 ~36 JR137-8 210 8970 4839



ball是什么意思: n. 球;舞会 v. 成团块;捏成球形 You have no balls! 你们一点胆量都没!The kitten tangled the ball of yarn. 猫把线团儿弄乱了。A ball hissed by. 子弹嘶地一声飞过。到沪江小D查看球磨机的英文翻译>> 翻译推荐: 球面的英文怎么说>> 球迷的

As the capital of shandong province , jinan is one of th e b ig cities with floating population cluster . on the basis of investigation , we anal yse the status quo , characteristics , and the reasons of the floating po pulation who have children and take on commerce or construction , then work ou t the effects of floating population on social and economic development of ji nan

球磨机主要应用于发电、水泥生产等行业,球磨机烧大瓦事故时有发生, 曾一度威胁着锅炉的安全经济运行. 互联网 Ball mill is one universal machine widely used in metallurgy, cement , construction materials and chemical industries.

1. The pelletizing and lime technology based on using burning technology of the low heat value blast furnace gas and the grate-kiln process is on the leading place in China. 公司依靠独创的低热值高炉煤气培烧技术,采用链篦机-回转窑-环冷机工艺设计开发的冶金球

tail f是什么意思 linux中stail -f什么意思 stail ? 没有这个命令吧。 。 Zhi 有tail命令,一般加上 -f 可 Yi 实时的得到新追加到文件中的相关信息,常 Yong 于相关日志跟踪的时候。 比如执行一条命令,Kan 到底执行了没有,在任务执行之前,先用tail -f Ming 令跟踪log文件的变化,查看相关信息比 Jiao 及

是什么意思 释义 球磨机; 学习怎么用 双语例句 Some measures of harness large ball mill's noise. 治理大型球磨机 噪声的几种措施。"accommodation note, lip service" 空头支票 And the cement strength for ball mill slag was little better than LM. 球磨矿渣水泥的

2. The noise of ball mill with rubber lining was 20~30% less than that with steel lining, stone lining and porcelain lining etc. , and is in keeping with national noise standard. 实践证明使用橡胶衬里较钢衬、石衬、瓷衬等能使噪音下降20~30%,球磨机的噪音可达到

英文: The operation principle of the planet type ball mill is: Rotate circumference of record have, equip with 4 is it make with rotary table high-speed ball of rotation rub the pot to revolve round the sun promptly.中文: 行星式球磨机的工作原理是:在旋转盘的圆周上,装有4个即随转盘公转又做高速自转的球





